As owner and president of Benchmark Homes, there is perhaps no one person that I would more readily offer a letter of recommendation for than Robert Point. Benchmark Homes is in the business of constructing very high-end custom homes. To date we have constructed and sold 3 homes for a total sales price of over $17,000,000. Obviously homes of this magnitude require the ultimate in craftsmanship and attention to detail. Robert has been a key person in the construction of all 3 homes and his ability as a craftsman and builder are exceptional. Beyond this, his honesty and integrity are unimpeachable. At the end of virtually every job, the new owners request that Robert be the one to stay and complete the last details. This is because they can see his ability as a craftsman, his trustworthiness, and his ever-pleasant demeanor.
I believe that Bob Point has the ability to run virtually any construction project, and will do so in such a way as to make anyone associated with him proud. Any contracting firm with whom Robert forms an association should consider themselves fortunate: people with his qualities are increasingly difficult to find. I wish Robert the sincerest of luck in all his future ventures.
Robert Patrick President-Benchmark Homes
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